Undergraduate, Yale University, Class of 2022
B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics
Current Cumulative GPA: 3.96
Research Assistant
Yale Efficient Computing Lab, New Haven, CT
Summer 2020 - Present
- Porting Theseus, an experimental operating system written in Rust, to ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers
- Utilize Intel Cache Allocation Technology to develop a Linux kernel module that locks a program into the L3 cache
- Implement a driver for Intel CAT for Theseus
Temp IT Intern
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Charleston, WV
September 2020 - February 2021
- Assisted in debugging, deploying, and maintaining a new software auditing database
Undergraduate Learning Assistant
Yale University, New Haven, CT
Fall 2020
- Graded weekly homework assignments for statistics students in probability theory
- Hosted weekly office hours to adise students on class topics
Leadership Activities
Math Coach
Math Counts, New Haven, CT
Fall 2018 - Present
- Develop a curriculum to prepare middle school students at the Benjamin Jepson Charter School for an annual math competition and lead weekly coaching sessions
Business Manager/Social Chair
YHack Inc., New Haven, CT
Spring 2020 - Winter 2021
- Work with IRS to maintain 501(c) nonprofit status and write invoices for sponsor companies to generate to help collect over $100,000 in annual revenues
- Organized events to promote positive team dynamics and recruit new members
- Led interviews of new members to determine suitability for a role on the YHack team
Business Manager
Yale Danceworks, New Haven, CT
Spring 2019 - Fall 2019
- Managed expenses and revenues and wrote grant applications for Yale’s largest dance group with over 200 members
- Designed and implemented algorithms using Javascript and Google Sheets APIs to efficiently sort dancers into dances
Academic Honors
- Light Fellowship
- Questbridge Scholar
- National Merit Scholarship
- Eagle Scout
- WV Boys State
- CBYX Youth Ambassador
Programming Languages
- C/C++
- Rust
- Python
- Javascript/CSS/HTML
- Haskell
- R
- Standard ML
- LaTeX
- Linux
- OS Development
- Embedded Systems Programming
- Git
- Relational Databases (SQL)
- NodeJS (React, Express)
- Static Site Generators (Hugo)
- Cloud Suites (Google Cloud, Azure)
Computer Science:
- Introduction to Computer Science (CPSC 201)
- Data Structures and Programming Techniques (CPSC 223)
- Systems Programming (CPSC 323)
- Algorithms (CPSC 365)
- Compilers and Interpreters (CPSC 421)
- Formal Languages and Automata Theory (CPSC 460)
- Multivariate Calculus (MATH 120)
- Linear Algebra (MATH 225)
- Theory of Probability (MATH 241)
- Theory of Statistics (MATH 242)
- Discrete Math (MATH 244)
- Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH 246)
- Vector Calculus (MATH 250)
- Stochastic Processes (MATH 251)
Other Courses:
- Intermediate Microeconomics (ECON 121)
- Japanese (5 Semesters)
- Intro to Linguistics